Thursday, December 31, 2009

cheers to 2010.

happy new year everyone. i am so looking forward to this new year. i am so grateful for everything that has happened this past year. between the good, the bad, and the ugly, i definitely became a stronger person.
as i talk to many close friends and family members, i think 2009 and was a hard year for everyone. i know it was for us.
i am not going to make any new years resolutions, however i am going to wish for a few things. i fully understand that if i am going to make most of these things happen, i am the one who has to do it. they are not going to fall from the sky.
i am wishing for these last ten pounds i have accumulated, will melt away with ease and with all of the hard work i have already started. on that note: shelly has lost five pounds in four days and i two. whats up with that???? anywho...
i want good health to prevail with my family this year and for shelly to finally be pain free for good. what a trooper. this trigeminal neuralgia really knocked us on our asses this year and really made us aware that anything can happen at anytime to change your life.
i want the relationships i have to become even stronger and to let those people know how truly amazing they are and how grateful i am for them.
i want the relationships that have become non existent to at least be given a chance. at least some of them. the important ones.
i wish everyone peace. peace in their hearts, souls, and mind. peace that tomorrow will be awesome as everyday should be.
i look forward to this next year, as i hope everyone else is. happy new year everyone.
love sherry

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

the sign of the times

so it has been a few weeks since i posted. our lives have mainly consisted of work, (mainly shelly :), finn, family, and shopping for christmas.
thanksgiving was so great. it definitely stood up as still my favorite holiday of the year. we played apples to apples and ate ourselves silly. i had to run three miles almost everyday when we returned to our normal schedule.
now that christmas is upon us, it has me thinking of the 2010 year. i truly feel like this year is going to be such a positive year. from all things health to family i feel UP about this next year. i am making sort of a bucket list. things i want to do before i die. i want to full fill several of those this year. i do not plan on dieing anytime soon, but why not start early right? :)
keeping everyone posted on finn and shelly:
shelly is doing good. she doesn't even want to talk surgery until after the holidays. she is keeping contact with her neurosurgeon and she is thinking around march. every time someone brings surgery up, she is like,"yeah, it IS brain surgery people". so we will wait for her surgery for a few more months if that is what she wants.
finn, not only has he regressed, he is like a teenage boy that is in his goth, i want to be bad phase. yes we still love him and always will, but i do have to say, it is like having a child. truly truly. we were watching the animal planet the other day, and some dog expert was talking about, When you want to think about getting a puppy. She was like, " you really have to be committed, THIS is the next fifteen years of your life, so choose wisely".
Shelly looked at me and said, "holy hell! seriously! fifteen years!"
I said yes very calmly, " so you better start learning to love this sweet lil man!". Those two have a love hate relationship and it is slowly becoming more about the love. haha.
I hope everyone is doing really well.
Congratulations to my cousin Kevin who had a new baby boy. Welcome to the family sweet boy.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

bring on the turkey!

waiting, waiting, waiting....
we are waiting on test results. hopefully today we will find out. it seems to be the year for sickness, or am i just getting older and realizing that sometimes this happens. i have made a promise to myself this past weekend. i am going to dive into yoga again. i have been doing it, but not on the level i used to. just making it a part of my everyday.
dive into the holistic person i so once loved to be. i think i might even become vegetarian again. that is after thanksgiving. i mean, after these past few years of eating anything i want, surely i can wait till after the turkey to turn my new leaf. :)
looking forward to the holidays. shelly finally felt better yesterday after her lumbar headache, OUCH, and we actually went to look around a bit and had some lunch. Christinas is so yummy!
we made a list and trying to figure out our budget.
still temping and really kinda enjoying making up my own schedule. it has helped a tad.
as of late we are trying to train out dog. yes, it is a task. i swear this dog is so lucky he is cute. shelly keeps looking at him and saying, "three words finn: BRAND - NEW-HOME", every time he jumps on us. he is not aggressive and i know he is a puppy, but the jumping has got to stop. we are watching the dog whisperer more times than i would like to admit, and yes, i read the book. i have been implementing all of the training techniques and some are working, but most are not. i never thought i would say this, but i am looking forward to finns last puppy days. haha.
other than that, not much going on. looking forward to spending time with our families, starting school again, and getting my hair cut and i am going blonde blonde blonde again. i thought i enjoyed my natural color of dirty dishwater, but yeah, not so much. :)
i hope everyone is doing well. we again thank you for all of the support friends and family has been giving us. we are thankful for you and each other everyday.
oh, and say a little prayer for my mom. she is having some test on friday and we are hoping for some good results. some really good results. :)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

be well

not too much to say. shelly and i are doing well. we are in a bit of limbo until we find out if shelly has MS. she is going for a "lumbar puncture" on monday. fancy word for spinal tap.
we should find out by the end of the week if the results are negative or positive.
i am still temping but and waiting for the spring semester to happen. actively looking again for work, after being so disheartened by my last search. it has been a little hard, because lately, i have had to cancel a few interviews due to dr visits. not that i mind! her health comes first, i am wondering if i should just wait on the job front until we know exactly what is going to happen.
my family continues to be amazing. i am trying to get myself geared up for the holidays. my favorite holiday is thanksgiving and it seems i am lacking in the spirit this year. i used to love just sitting there with family and sharing a meal. everyone cooks, cleans, naps, and then watches the cowboys.
i know i will get back into the spirit of things. i continue to be grateful for all things. i am hoping that my theory on, "everything happens for a reason", is still sound and just.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

wednesday, and hopeful. our morning started at five and a little rough. five am sharp in the shower i hear, "ouch ****", and i know they have begun. making lunch another and another and so on...
by the time i checked in with her at 5:20 six down. even that is a lot for TN patients, but then again, maybe it is not. we are new to this world and this amazing group of people known as Trigeminal Neuralgians. Breathe... and they are gone as quickly as they came for her.
Her appointment was yesterday and we liked the doctor very much. Dr. Brent Morgan in Dallas. Lots of questions and concerns came from us and a lot of info and he wants her pain free talk and we feel better. he is sending her to another neurologist only one more time. he absolutely wants to make sure it is not MS. once he knows for sure, even though he is almost certain it is not, he is moving forward. he gave her lots of options, but feels she is a really good candidate for MVD surgery. he thinks she is a typical TN on the left with a vessel pressing. he really wanted to know what SHE wanted. what we wanted, and she explained that if she could help it, she does not want to live with this. he explained it is a very personal decision and that sometimes people feel they CAN live with it, but she is young, and agrees they should try to make the pain go away. sooooooo, it a nutshell we need to rule out MS again. that will be next week. i will keep everyone posted.
as for me, i am going to be the rock she needs. i am going to pick my friends brains to see what they think. all of my tn friends are living with this everyday and i trust their opinions. i am grateful for their opinions.
also my family has been great. thanks guys.
i am going to get advised today for school. bring it! haha.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

This is a picture I took in Maine. We went to Maine, wondering if we were going to like it enough to live there. Our plan was to come home and start to look for jobs there if we just fell head over heels in love. haha. We did love it, but not enough to live there.
Shelly got sea sick, actually a pretty color of green, and I was just plain cold. Who knew a year later we would be in Rhode Island for a while and LOVING it cold and all.
I keep remembering all of the vacations and fun small adventures we used to take, and I am hoping we will still have many more in the future. I think we will.
Shelly sees her neurosurgeon on the 20th. Options, options, options.
I have been driving back and forth a few times a week to Graham to temp. It is kind of fun working together again. Finn has his own dog walker on those days so he is loving it. It is a commute! Four hours a day. She was staying with family until recently, but they ended up moving. We are looking at options for her to stay in Graham a few days a week. There isn't much in Graham outside of a Wal Mart. It is supposed to be the biggest square in America though... Not too sure if I believe it.
People are so friendly, you almost forget about the things it is missing. Small town vibe with lots of smiles.
Things are pretty much the same right now. I just wanted to update family and friends on how she is doing. She is doing okay, but her TN has progressed. Wind, showers, and brushing her teeth are beginning to cause attacks. Her spirits are high and mine are hopeful for good news and some answers on the 20th. I have found an amazing group of friends through a support group that are living with and people who love people who are living with this. I want to say to them, that i appreciate them. I thank them for their support and kindness, as does Shelly. It is nice to know that there are other people dealing with this thing. Nice and scary. I have come to care about these people and it does hurt to know all of them are in such pain.
Please keep us in your thoughts. Love to all of our friends and family. xo

Friday, October 2, 2009

what's up?

happy friday to all! it is a really really beautiful one today.
what's up?
well...finn is good. he is cute and B-A-D all at the same time. we love him, i LOVE him, shelly loves him. haha. he is learning to mind better everyday. i do not even think the doggie prozac might be necessary anymore.
shelly, is finding out on monday which neurosurgeon she will be seeing and what exactly the surgery entails. she knows that she does not want to live with this anymore. pills and electric like seizures coming from no where is not her thing. she refuses them, and i agree. NO ELECTRIC like shocks in the face for this family. go away!!!!!! :)
my family outside of shelly and finn are great! they always are. grandmommy is moving in with mom and michelle until she decides what do to. buy, rent, or even find a cool retirement place where she can dance the nights away with fellow friends she will meet.
me, well, i am doing good. i am temping and i think that is the best right now. i am starting school AGAIN in the spring, and wished that i had taken classes this fall. i received a nice little grant and hoping my aid will fare well also.
i am just a tad nervous when it comes to school. sometimes i even have dreams that i am back in high school or junior high and i can't get into my locker. that was so frustrating. these dreams even consist of me being in my mini skirt, aka, uniform, trying do some random routine and not doing the same thing everyone else is doing. i think i did that a few times. the sad thing is, in my dreams i am the age i am now, and you can only imagine how frightful that must look.
i loved school, but i was AWFUL in school. if it came to art, theater, or anything non academic i blew through it, but give me a math problem or a sentence breakdown in front of me i had -zero confidence. i tried everything in school and wasn't ashamed of it. art and theater one day and then turn around and enjoy cheering with my friends. it was the actual work that stumped me every time.

stopping at my associates has only gotten me so far and it is always a gnawing feeling for me to just finish! do i know that i will actually be successful after many many attempts at this even up until recently?
i think you know when it is right. i think you know when you should just do it. i hear, that it is never too late and i truly believe that.
i have a great support group and i even have a tutor for math built in. her name is michelle and damn it if she isn't a math major. that one, she is a smarty pants, and i am so glad!
enough with the school of life, i have done it. i think it is time for just school. the school that helps with my mind and my personal growth as well as helping land a good job. ha.
i think the academic fairies are on my side this time. shake off the old art brushes and camera, because i am going.
academic fairies i hope you have a lot of fairy dust to sprinkle on me ~ because i think i will need it.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

these are the flowers shell brought me home the other day. still, she is the helpless romantic. i am the one that should be showering her with flowers.

i am trying to be a rock for her. she was my complete rock after both surgeries that i endured. i hope she will just let it happen. she is definitely the type of person that has to be in control. that shows she is not weak. but now...she needs support not only from me but her family. hope you guys are reading this...

she started taking anti seizure medicine a few weeks ago. it worked, unless she took it too late or was under extreme stress.

the past week, it is wearing off. it is failing her. her test have all come back negative as to why she has this. i recently went to the Trigeminal Neuralgia Association website and ordered a book. It is called Striking Back. The first quote on page one: "This is the kind of pain you wouldn't even wish on your worst enemy." - Claire Patterson, TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA ASSOCIATION founder.

"The pain hits suddenly, like a jolt of lightning to the face. Again and again the pain stabs, sometimes for a few seconds, sometimes for a few minutes, and then it's gone, just as abruptly as it came."

it seems after all of my studying that this disorder isn't particularly well known, but the pool seems to be growing. Studies estimate there are somewhere between 15,000 and 50,000 new cases each year in the US. the age of onset in your 30's is only 6%.

so, now, the question is what is next? it seems that most cases I am studying up on have a blood vessel that is compressing the nerve. this takes surgery. until then, we are going to up her medicine and wait. her doctor wants to rule out just a few more things.

if you know ANYONE out there who has had this, email me. i am trying to find out as much as I can. i am going to be her advocate for her health. i know she will be okay. i just think she needs some answers. she needs to know she will not live with this or at least if she has to, it can be controlled.

one more note, it seems to happen to some amazing smart women...Gloria Steinem is one of them. :) Shelly is in good company.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

just being thankful

i woke up this morning having so much on my mind. i am extremely thankful today.
leaving rhode island was tough. we loved it, but it did not work out. we are so glad we are home, even though this unemployment thing for me is really really hard. so...i wrote down a few things to be grateful for instead of thinking about the hard times.
i am grateful that shelly is feeling much better, with her medication and that she has a dr. who really cares.
i am grateful that this coming november it will be two years cancer free for me.
i am grateful for all of the family who support my emotionally and also shelly's family. they have been awesome through the last several years.
i am thankful for finn. wow, it is like having a baby! i love him even though he smells sometimes. :)
i am thankful for my friends. i know that we do not see each other as much as i would like, but please know, i appreciate all of you.
michelle, mom, and gmom! three way cool chicks!
i am grateful for shelly. she has supported me in good times and bad. we are a team, and we work like a team. we are the BEST team.
i am grateful for this unemployment. at least right now i am! ha ha. under such bad circumstances, this crazy thing has allowed me to become closer to family. realize what i really want to do. become closer to Shell's family, and appreciate the small things. we may not be able to buy anything we want, but there is so much more than that. i have learned to appreciate small things, like learning how to use pots and pans...
last but not least, i am thankful for my belief in god. that god will always look out for us. i pray every night, but lately it seems every hour. i know we are being watched after, and we will not be given any thing that we can not handle. thank you. i believe god keeps his promises. :)

Monday, August 31, 2009

bring it on

so, shelly has been sick. she was getting electric like shocks in her face when she was eating and it progressively got worse. it was all of the time. we thought it was her teeth, but it wasn't. after many doctor visits plus one emergency visit and a visit with the dumbest neurologist possibly in the world, we found out she has Trigeminal neuralgia. yay for us.
she has been in so much pain that she has not been able to eat, sleep, or really do anything. she is now on medication and we are trying to figure out WHY she has this painful disorder.
i tell you, she had something to eat today and a little the other day, and i have never seen anything more beautiful than her eating.
shelly and i have lived through cancer, moving, loss of jobs, and we will get through this with flying colors. i will not let this get to us. she will be amazing!!!!! she is possibly one of the most amazing people i have ever met.
i want to say thank you to all of our family. our moms have been awesome. we have two pretty great families. we love all of you. thanks for your continued support. keep us in your thoughts.
on a brighter note, we love her primary dr. dr white. lillian white to be exact. she is AWESOME!!!!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

a lil thought for this monday

i have been wrong in the past, and will be wrong in the future. we are all just people living our lives and trying to be the best that we can.

we are just beautiful people walking on this earth this one time. lets be kind.

Friday, August 7, 2009

the fridge is full!

i am not one to enjoy clutter. i do however like my fridge cluttered with magnets, pictures, things that i love. even barry manilow tickets, yes i am a fanilow. shelly did make me take those down...
i personally feel the more clutter you have on your fridge, the happier you are. i like to have my loved ones splayed all over our fridge.
i was looking at it the other day, and thought to myself, " is it too much", absolutely not. i added more.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Pet Ownership; Do We Dare????

I say yes! Two mid to semi, :), late thirty year old women are wanting to start a family. We happen to think a pet is the natural progression of our steps toward this goal. I mean, if we can't take care of a pet, then we most certainly can not take care of a human. We are quite wonderful with plants...
I have learned how to nurture them, talk to them, and give them just enough water without drowning them. They are healthy and happy and I know that we are the reason why! :)
I am thinking a cocker spaniel, hence the cutest pic in the world above. Shelly on the other hand, is wanting something along the lines of a sporting canine. A Dalmatian if you will.
We still live an apartment and have to remind ourselves of our space limitations. It IS a big apartment, with lots of room for us and something to roam happily about. much as I have tried to be amongst you working individuals, I am still unemployed. It seems to be good for the up and coming pet we will have. I will have some time to potty train if we are to get a pup. Shelly might freak out if the dog pees on the Cindy Crawford. ha.
For those of you who know we have tried this in the past, and NO it did not work. We were not ready. We did not think it through. We picked out the cutest dog on the side of the road and then found out it was possessed and then gave it to my mom! It was cute, but the dog WAS possessed and my mom gave it to a couple of guys who love to groom it and take care of it like it was a child. All that being mom found out how much that mutt was worth, and wishes she had kept it. :)
We will not go jumping into this. We are going to wait for the right one, but we are doing this. we go.
Any input from anyone would be great. Anything on adoption processes, whether we should get a pup, or just a dog who needs us. Wish us well and hope for the best. Sincerely, Sherry and Shelly.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

chillin with a few friends.

i do not post very often. sometimes i actually forget about it.
i saw a few good friends today and just wanted them to know how nice it was to see them. no judgements or opinions...just friends being friendly. hmmmm......

Monday, June 8, 2009

i opened up an email yesterday morning and had a smile on my face all day after i read it.
it made me think of all of the amazing beautiful people in my life. i have so many things to be grateful for and my friends and family are one of them. i am not close to all of my family anymore, but the ones that i am...are truly the best. i love you guys. i love you for always supporting me. through the new york basement apartment to today. :) i thank you.
i will forever be grateful for your love and support.
thanks d'lee...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

We are home and have been for a few. 1700 miles later and we are in Texoma, :). I keep calling it the land of tornadoes, floods, and fires.

I have nothing to complain about. We are both safe and feet firmly planted. I will say...I have never heard so many christian radio stations; but yet looking out my window seeing signs of adult erotica/fancies. Mainly in Missouri...

I already miss my friends at the law school. Some of the most sincere, smart, and wickedly funny women I have ever been around.

I learned a lot of new phrases. One I particularly enjoy: " Don't get fresh with me." (Sue B.)

It is an east coast thing I am sure, but I plan on using it in regular conversation quite frequently. haha.

I just wanted to say, that even though my time at RWU Law School and RI was short, I loved it.

Thanks to the ladies who made everyday fun, even when it felt crazy. This is from sweet Sue Principe downstairs and I loved it. Thanks Sue! :


Good-byes are not forever,
Good-byes are not the end,
They simply mean I’ll miss you,
Until we meet again.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

yard sale

Out with the old and in with the new. We didn't want to pack everything and thought a yard sale would be a good way to help with that. IT began at 6:30 until around noon.

In the past yard sales that I have had, the most that I raked in was twenty dollars. TOTAL. I was excited when a family bought my collectible ponies for three dollars, but also disheartened when someone traded a small machete for pots and pans. Needless to say I am not a good garage sale host.

Today we made over a hundred dollars which is not bad considering we did not have much to sale. It is going to help with gas money for home. We are officially moving back. We can not afford to stay on one income. For it being the second highest unemployment rate in the nation, it is very expensive place to live.

I am excited about going home and saddened at the same time.

I had something telling me that my vacation home would not be good. I should have listened to my intuition.

To some a yard sale is about getting rid of crap, to me, it is about moving on.

Moving on emotionally with people and things.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

we are home!!!!! we came home and it was 38. we left texas and it was 83!~ funny...

we had a really good time. it was a little heartbreaking to leave. all of the little ones we love to hug and kiss on. there are four of them. payton, sara, sophia, and lil john. we love all of them. i want one!

it is easter, we are going to a late mass and celebrate this day together. it is sunny, but not sure if it is nice.

one of the craziest things that happened were the oklahoma fires. it was about a hundred meters from the stringer farm. terrified is not even close to what i felt. shelly drove me and the family to lake murray and then drove back to help chris with the house. it was really really scary. i was scared for the house, chris, and my shelly.

when the winds changed the house was safe. i am sorry to say most homes burnt to the ground and a lot live stock died. we were really lucky. when i was helping chris with the hose asking him to think about leaving he told me he was going to stay and that god was looking over us. we would be ok. we were. the house still stands and can proudly be called the stringer farm. the place where we lay on the bed and let the breeze melt our fears away. where i fall asleep and i know that no worries haunt me. it is the stringer farm and i love it. i always thought i was a city girl, but this place has changed me. i now know it is not about where we live or how we live. it is about the people that surround us. we are so lucky.

happy easter everyone.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

i was up at 3 this morning and took shelly to the airport at 4. i was heartbroken to see her go, but i knew she had to. i know it is only a few days but it is still hard. i guess i am a little lonely here in this small state. it will be soon though that i will be on a plane to see all of our family. i am excited and nervous all at the same time.

the weather is beautiful here. i could not ask for a sunnier day. i am off to work.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

the plant that could

this is the little plant that dean logan got all of his staff for christmas. my friend sue showed me hers and it is huge now. i think i might have a nice green thumb now. i used to kill every plant i had.
all of the plants shelly and i have had the last two years are thriving and i can tell they LOVE us. we do not have kids or pets quite yet so we treat our plants really really well. maybe too much attention. obviously we need a dog,cat, fish, and a child. :)
it is 24 degrees this morning. my sweet boss is letting sue and i go to a conference this morning in downtown providence. i will not be in the office until tomorrow. if i get a chance i am going to explore a little today after the conference. that is if i do not freeze my butt off.
i am a dork because i am excited about posting this little plant when it is full grown. if we can live in this cold tundra of a place i think the plant will do just fine.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

the first....

so it is supposed to be spring here in rhode island. these little weeds pop up once a year here to let you know it is spring. they are really pretty and they are scattered around dead grass, leaves, and the trash all of the snow has left behind. they are a huge burst of color. they bloom and die.

we are going to texas and oklahoma for a week. we are excited and nervous all at the same time. it is hard making everyone happy. we love our families and want to see everyone.

it is currently around thirty five degrees here and i think seventeen tom. i have high hopes that it will hit at least fifty sometime this week. fifty and balmy. bikini weather. :)