Monday, August 31, 2009

bring it on

so, shelly has been sick. she was getting electric like shocks in her face when she was eating and it progressively got worse. it was all of the time. we thought it was her teeth, but it wasn't. after many doctor visits plus one emergency visit and a visit with the dumbest neurologist possibly in the world, we found out she has Trigeminal neuralgia. yay for us.
she has been in so much pain that she has not been able to eat, sleep, or really do anything. she is now on medication and we are trying to figure out WHY she has this painful disorder.
i tell you, she had something to eat today and a little the other day, and i have never seen anything more beautiful than her eating.
shelly and i have lived through cancer, moving, loss of jobs, and we will get through this with flying colors. i will not let this get to us. she will be amazing!!!!! she is possibly one of the most amazing people i have ever met.
i want to say thank you to all of our family. our moms have been awesome. we have two pretty great families. we love all of you. thanks for your continued support. keep us in your thoughts.
on a brighter note, we love her primary dr. dr white. lillian white to be exact. she is AWESOME!!!!!

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