Thursday, November 5, 2009

be well

not too much to say. shelly and i are doing well. we are in a bit of limbo until we find out if shelly has MS. she is going for a "lumbar puncture" on monday. fancy word for spinal tap.
we should find out by the end of the week if the results are negative or positive.
i am still temping but and waiting for the spring semester to happen. actively looking again for work, after being so disheartened by my last search. it has been a little hard, because lately, i have had to cancel a few interviews due to dr visits. not that i mind! her health comes first, i am wondering if i should just wait on the job front until we know exactly what is going to happen.
my family continues to be amazing. i am trying to get myself geared up for the holidays. my favorite holiday is thanksgiving and it seems i am lacking in the spirit this year. i used to love just sitting there with family and sharing a meal. everyone cooks, cleans, naps, and then watches the cowboys.
i know i will get back into the spirit of things. i continue to be grateful for all things. i am hoping that my theory on, "everything happens for a reason", is still sound and just.

1 comment:

  1. I know "everything happens for a reason", but don't you just wish we knew what that reason was and had a little insight as to what was going to happen sometimes, keep you head up!
