Thursday, December 31, 2009

cheers to 2010.

happy new year everyone. i am so looking forward to this new year. i am so grateful for everything that has happened this past year. between the good, the bad, and the ugly, i definitely became a stronger person.
as i talk to many close friends and family members, i think 2009 and was a hard year for everyone. i know it was for us.
i am not going to make any new years resolutions, however i am going to wish for a few things. i fully understand that if i am going to make most of these things happen, i am the one who has to do it. they are not going to fall from the sky.
i am wishing for these last ten pounds i have accumulated, will melt away with ease and with all of the hard work i have already started. on that note: shelly has lost five pounds in four days and i two. whats up with that???? anywho...
i want good health to prevail with my family this year and for shelly to finally be pain free for good. what a trooper. this trigeminal neuralgia really knocked us on our asses this year and really made us aware that anything can happen at anytime to change your life.
i want the relationships i have to become even stronger and to let those people know how truly amazing they are and how grateful i am for them.
i want the relationships that have become non existent to at least be given a chance. at least some of them. the important ones.
i wish everyone peace. peace in their hearts, souls, and mind. peace that tomorrow will be awesome as everyday should be.
i look forward to this next year, as i hope everyone else is. happy new year everyone.
love sherry

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